Hi, my name is

Eli Newlin,

I Solve Problems

Contact me at eli@wsnewlin.com

Work Experience

Big Data In A Box logo

Big Data In A Box

Big Data In A Box is an startup based within Iowa State University that focused on the power digital twins could provide to farmers. This was my first internship (started as research) and they provided an environment in which I could experiment with AI tools and learn to produce a fullstack webapp with cloud functionality.


Python Python
OpenAI OpenAI
Azure Azure
SoilSerdem logo


SoilSerdem is a startup based in Ames, Iowa that helps farmers reinvent the way they handle their data. To them, I owe my ability to work well within a team of developers, work with teams of people who are not developers, delegate tasks, manage deadlines, and provide a low latency product. This position has required me to handle backend, frontend, databases, docker, AWS, and I keep learning more every day.


Prisma Prisma
TypeScript TypeScript
Docker Docker
ExpressJS ExpressJS
MariaDB MariaDB
NextJS NextJS

Personal Projects



News++ is a collaborative blog project created to explore AstroJS and document our technical insights. Built during a period when my friend and I were both in home from college, this project gave us hands-on experience with modern web development tools while creating a platform we'd long wanted to build.


Astro Astro
TypeScript TypeScript
Markdown Markdown
Ray Tracer

Ray Tracer

A ray tracing engine developed for my Computer Graphics class. The rendered image showcases various advanced graphics techniques (See github readme for full list). This class was an amazing experience and my first real exposure to graphics programming, and I don't regret it for a second.


C/C++ C/C++


A Pokemon-inspired game developed in my Advanced Programming Techniques class (Coms327). This project reinforced C++ fundamentals including pointers, curses library usage, and algorithm implementation. While not a complete game, it served as an excellent platform for learning complex programming concepts and memory management.


C/C++ C/C++




Leetcode is a pastime that I thouroughly enjoy. Not only do I get to learn new ways to solve problems and add new solutions to my toolbox, but I also get to experiment with how the code I write effects the runtime and space of my code.



I love to use Linux! Void, Arch, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, ElementaryOS, you name it I've tried it. I like to keep up with opensource and I'm genuinely excited at not only the rate of Linux development, but the nature of choice that Linux provides.

Retro Games

Retro Games

Retro games are some of the most interesting pieces of software I've ever seen. Back in the day of the NES or ATARI there were no powerful engines to provide an easy development experience. The way that early developers had to scrape as much power as they could to create the games they did is remarkable.